Our Values
Our commitment is to provide excellence in the service offered
Our principles determining the care of clients
The service offered through the Toongabbie Legal Centre is based on the following values:
- Commitment to the right of each individual to have access to appropriate confidential legal advice and assistance
- Preferential option for those in the community who are in any way disadvantaged in their access to legal advice and assistance
- Commitment to a service which empowers those who use it
- Respect for the insights, experience and skills of TLC clients, volunteers, (staff) and the community in continually enhancing the service offered by the Centre
- Commitment to work collaboratively within TLC and with other agencies and individuals in order to provide the best outcome for those who need the services of TLC
- Commitment to advocate for legislation which promotes greater social justice and defence of human dignity, especially as it affects the client community, and
- Commitment to provide a place of welcome, hope and respect for all who use or offer any kind of service within the Centre.
Those working within TLC work from the principle of providing high quality service to each client. In practice, this means that those offering service through TLC will:
- Always undertake a conflict search and if there is a conflict or perceived conflict, inform the client that TLC cannot act or advise
- Maintain confidentiality
- Always inform clients of any time limits and record time limits on the file and act within the time limit
- Treat each client with respect
- Take detailed instructions from the client and ensure to keep signed file notes including all phone calls
- Provide the best quality advice by thoroughly researching the law and developing a range of options for the client to consider
- Maintain case files in an orderly fashion
- Regularly review files and undertake action required
- Keep clients informed of progress in their matter
- Use plain language
- Operate within the rules of professional conduct.
- TLC has a strict non-self-referral policy, meaning TLC Solicitors may not refer TLC clients to themselves in their commercial practice.
- TLC maintains a panel of solicitors for referral of clients. All referrals must be approved by the principal solicitor and/or Honorary Director.
Volunteers must not take any file or casework material away from the Centre without written permission of the Hon. Coordinator or the Principal Solicitor on duty.